Heal Thy Heart

Take the first step into a world of great possibility
Psalms 71:20

What I Do

Being handed the correct tools on taking on the world has gotten a lot easier.

I Transform Lives.

A Transformation Program that truly inspires and turns people’s lives around. By looking deep in the patterns of the mind and healing that which needs to change. When we look deeper into the plans the Lord has for our lives we soon find who we truly are. 

        Be transformed by the renewal of your mind.
                                            Romans 12:2


I Write To Heal.

By examining my own life I started to heal by writing. My book has helped others find the healing they were missing in their own hearts. When I found Jesus I realised He never left, I just needed to strengthen my Faith in Him.

           The purpose in a man’s heart is like deep water, but
                        a man of understanding will draw it out. 
                                                  Proverbs 20:5

Need To Talk?

I’m just a message away.
Catch me on Telegram whenever you need to chat!

My Book & Course

Interested to know how you too can change your life around? It’s pretty simple, read the book, read about the course, do a free 45min session and decide if the course is for you or not…


Thank you for helping me! I was able to look deeper into my family history, I was able to understand what was holding me back. I now am able to enjoy life, I have opened my business, which is doing very well. Even with bad days I know it is not permanite and I am able to turn the frown into a crown each and every moment of the day. Even though Rebekah speaks of God throughout her program she has no affliated attachement to any religion or denomanation, I fould it very inspiring that she stuck to Biblical princaples and was able to help me see God in a different light. 

Thandi D.

My Story

As a successful transformational coach, I have helped my clients overcome the obstacles that hold them back in life. By asking the right questions and empowering them with the proper tools, I help my clients take action in pursuit of their goals, aspiration, vision for the future and most importantly heal from the inside.

Life’s too short to be unhappy or unfulfilled — so what’s holding you back?

Let me help you learn better ways to handle the issues that are standing in the way of your dreams.

With God all things are possible!

Transform your life today!