Life In Christ

Life In Christ Program

 “and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator.”
Colossians 3:10

Life In Christ Program

What is the Life in Christ Program?

Life in Christ program applies a range of self renewing of the mind. As the base of the program is the same used with the Self Discovery Program, however, this program takes more of an approach through the Biblical aspect of transforming the mind.

Transformational techniques are used to bring about changes in thinking, attitude, and behaviour, we also study what Paul talks about in the New Testament of renewing the mind, being more of Christ and not conforming to the ways of the world. 

And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. – Romans 12:2 

With this type of transformation, you will be able to transform your mind. You will be able to take control of the “little voice” in your mind that creates inner conflict. Focus on being who you were meant to be and not be part of the pressures of what the world thought you to be. You will be able to move forward in life, without feeling any obligation to any form of person or religion as we step back in the perfect foundation of God’s Word. My purpose is to guide you through the transformation you will undergo, guide you through your existing thoughts, emotions and establish your goals and vision, of where you want to take your life with Christ and where you want to be in the future.

I will help you heal emotional setbacks, help you to heal from past illintent and guide you to transform negative emotions to better serve you. I will guide you through the change of your internal world and help you shape and transform how you see the world around you.

A healer is not someone that you go to for healing. A healer is someone that triggers within, your own ability to heal yourself. 

I used the Program in my own life, as difficult as it was to make that first step I knew that I had to and that I was not going to be able to rely on anyone except on God, I knew things would look impossible but the Bible holds all the answers we need. 

For me things were impossible but with God all things are Possible – Luke 18:27

I was able to get myself out of suicidal patterns, depression and feeling stuck with life choices that always felt like nothing good was going to happen. I was able to transform myself Image, fear, and guilt, and being free from living the “doormat” life I was so used to. Yes, I had trouble, I had a sad life, but this program helped me transform into the person I knew I always wanted to be. I knew I wanted to be closer to God but I was not sure how I was going to do it, I felt ashamed of where I came from and what I had done that I thought it was impossible that forgiveness could be given to me. I learnt to lean on God’s unchanging hand, I learnt to forgive myself and slowly I was able to forgive those I felt had done me wrong. 

No matter where you are right now in your life, you are able to make a full change from within. You will find the true meaning to your life, why you are here, what you need to do and everything you need to have complete fulfilment on this wonderful journey called life. You will be able to take control of your emotions, you will have better control over how your mind functions, and you will be able to see your future with clear vision. Lean on God through the good and bad times, it’s a everlasting praise.

How Can the Life In Christ Program Benefit Me?

The program is designed to guide you overcome specific obstacles in your life. It takes care of past events, which are healed, surfaces and heals negative emotions that are no longer need to serve you; the transformational system helps you find the balance in your life. You will be able to overcome anger, doubt, fear, hurt, sadness, guilt, worthlessness, depression and loneliness. You will be able to control beliefs like,

“I am not good enough.”
“God with never love me”
“I’ve done things and don’t deserve forgiveness.”

The Life in Christ Program will help with;

-Being stuck in life to being free
-Being unable to forgive to ultimately forgiving the past
-Change a negative outlook on life to a positive outlook
Depression and anxiety to freedom of own mind
-Always being lead by wrong influences to leaning onto God’s hand for His Influence 
Low Self-esteem to a more powerful Self-loving

Why Should I do the Life in Christ Program?

When you lose that passion or that spark in life, you need someone there to guide and move you along. You need someone to help identify the issues that you’ve faced and the upshots in your past that have led you to where you are today. Without that, it’s hard to get that passion back for your life that you once had. 

At some point all of us full out of love with the Lord but truth be He has never left us. When we start examining our own hearts we are able to open up to Jesus fully. If you feel hopeless or like a failure or unable to accomplish anything, you need to do more than read a blog post or watch an empowering video. You need someone there by your side, not to tell you how to life or who you should be but someone that will guide you in the direct you want to go, someone to hold you.

“Are not two sparrows sold for a copper coin? And not one of them falls to the ground apart from your Father’s will. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows..” — Matthew 10:29-31

With the empty void in your heart, you don’t know where else to go, what else to try but I can tell you right not that empty feeling is a longing, a longing for Jesus Christ in your heart. I too was looking for something, anything that would put that lonely feeling out, it does matter what I tried nothing was able to fill in that space until I fully let Jesus in. With the Life in Christ Program you will find your inner voice, your inner strength and allow yourself to open your heart to Jesus, you will know that you have reached your full potential and your purpose in life.

It’s about becoming in charge and designing your life and even designing yourself as a whole person, mind-body-soul.
Becoming who you are distant to be in Christ, ultimately empower yourself as it is meant to be.

What Do I Need to Get Started With The Life in Christ Program?

-A true desire to change your life and let God take control
-Willing to step out of your comfort zone
-Willing to Let Go of whatever is holding you back
-Be open to personal growth and transformation
-Willing to complete the whole program no matter how hard it gets

Where Can I Get More Information on the Life in Christ Program?

Book an online session and receive an insight on the full program.
We will go over your needs, values, what you want in your life and how you want to transform yourself into the person you dream of being.
What kind of healing you are looking and how you can ignite the spark of Faith into your life.

Program Outline

-Takes 16-18 hours
-Can be done over 3 full days or 4.5 hours a week for 4 weeks
-Learn the difference between your subconscious and conscious mind
-Find your most dominant inner conflict and resolve this conflict
-Let Go of the ten (10) biggest negative emotions holding you back
-Delete “I am not good enough” and Refocus on a more powerful belief
-Create a more empowering life by knowing God is with you every step of the way

And so much more…

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