
My Books

The first step to healing is to reconnect with the true Self.
By applying the faith that once was, we are able to move forward in life.

Inside The Healer

“Nothing at this point was going to change, unless I changed and this change needed to happen quickly.”

From anxiety to depression, and the ongoing uncertainty life kept throwing at her, Rebekah had the choice to either let people keep controlling her life or she had to take control of her own life. When the healer in the family needed healing, who was going to be available to heal her? Her anger towards God had clouded her mind, “He had left me so many times before, why would He help me now?”

With only her Bible and the determination to change her life, Rebekah soon discovered who she was meant to be, and where she was headed with her life.

Discover how you too can find your path to happiness, how you can take control of your life without inflicting further pain towards self. You too can become who you truly are within a dysfunctional family.

Healing Between Two Worlds

“If I can’t do this now it will be for the next generation to fix, I had a choice to make and I needed to decide very quickly.”

Being promised a new life is something anyone dreams of, things started looking up for Rebekah and Kevin but when they got to the promised land they were quickly thrown into a new world. Their plans quickly changed, wondering in the”dessert” for six weeks they had nowhere to go, no one to lean on as all outside help abandoned ship.

With enough courage and for no better time to let go of family pasts, Rebekah now had to make the choice, was she going to let the old outdated programs from generations before continue to rule her life or was she going to put in the effort to use what the forefathers learnt and turn it into a dream at all her ancestors wished they had? 

Leaning on the promises of God and taking her faith to even greater heights Rebekah knew it was the perfect time to give the family what they truly deserved.

Devotional & Prayer Journals

Spending time with God it a blessing like no other. When we realise that all we need is Him, life just starts falling into place.

Perfectly Imperfect

“Something from the book”

We tend to lean to perfect, we so badly want to be perfect in every aspect in life but then ironically life happens, we fall into a pit of sorrow, unkindness and hatred towards Self. 

With Perfectly Imperfect we look at difference key areas, Anger, Faith and Forgiveness. With these three aspects covered we are able to look at the world around us with a better eye.

Standing Tall in a Fallen World

“Something from the book”

We know the world is not going to change, we know what has been Written has been cast in stone but this does not mean we are not able to Stand as Tall as possible in this fallen world. 

Standing Tall in a Fallen World looks at key elements Christian woman can learn from other Woman in the Bible. How we can create a safe place for our husbands, children and other family members. 

Holding on to the promises of the Gospel we are able to do great things.

Without Money 0r Without Price

“Something from the book”

Money is somewhat a great challenge for many on the earth. We have so much baggage we carry around us that no longer serve us and most importantly that we have been programmed to believe. 

Without Money or Without Price covers why we need to Let Go of the beliefs surrounding money and why we need to focus on God being our ultimate source of everything we need.

He is all I ever need, will give you new meaning.