We first need to look at what Emotions are, so to you, what does the word Emotion mean?
It is energy in motion. An emotion can either have a positive or negative charge. We mostly experience the negative charges to the energy. Never have we been guided on how to release emotions, so we keep suppressing our negative emotions, only to have them show up over time, hoping to be healed but as we still are not aware on how to deal with these emotions we end up suppressing them again.
Every experience a person has had is stored in this memory hold, the gut, the subconscious mind, whether you remember it or not. And the feelings that went along with the experience are also stored in the subconscious, inseparable from the memory of the experience. Past memories replay like a movie and continue to affect the present, often with negative impact. The memories cannot be removed but the learning of the memory can be changed from negative to positive.
Shame is covered, impurity is cleansed, anger is released, repentance is done, sin is forgiven, forgiveness is given to others and self, new perspectives are seen, old chains are broken, and new starts are made. The key is to release, let the power of God take over, step out from your old shell into the new Spirit.
I was once filled with negative emotions, its like little bags hanging off of your body, and each bag got heavier and heavier as emotions and memories kept surfacing and being suppressed. At some point, I could not see a way forward, very depressed, lost, had no place of belonging, was very anxious and stress. The reason why my baggage bags became heavier was due to my conditioning that implies that I have to be strong all the time, that I had to love and turn the other cheek no matter, I did not want to be a burden to others so I was in the position to help other off load their burdens onto me.
Until one day I realised the only way I was going to free, truly free was when I get out of the way and Let God be in control, “Forgiveness is freedom.” And this includes the forgiveness of Self. We don’t really realise what ‘damage’ we do to ourselves. We focus on the forgiveness of others but also need to give ourselves the same level of forgiveness.
I was inspired to start my healing journey. Choosing an emotional healing journey, contributed to starting feeling a sense of joy, light, acceptance, freedom, peace, resilience, and moving forward in life. By being aware of a higher level of emotional intelligence and adaptability intelligence, you able to understand why emotions are so important in our everyday lives.
No matter where you are right now in your life, you are able to make a full change from within. You will find the true meaning to your life, why you are here, what you need to do and everything you need to have complete fulfilment on this wonderful journey called life. You will be able to take control of your emotions, you will have better control over how your mind functions, and you will be able to see your future with clear vision.