Self Discovery Free Call

“My program is specially designed for time convenience, with the intent to fully equip you to have the life of your dreams. Together we create a future for you, while adding great value to your life.”

There are many training programs out there that provide you with an overload of information, advice and misunderstanding which by the end of the day gives you no purpose, only having you start the journey again in hopes that you have finally found the missing puzzle piece.

As a certified Transformational Coach, I have made a declaration to do my absolute best to serve and help humanity.
As the world and life have changed into a battle for survival with no meaning…leaving more and more people unfulfilled, empty, lonely, depressed and sick, I have solemnly committed myself to help, guide, equip and transform every living being whom I encounter through my coaching.
The responsibility for change lies in all of us: as coaches, mentors, parents, teachers and so many more.

“It is said that most people spend their lives regretting the past and fearing the future; therefore, they are unable to experience joy in the present.” 
― David R. Hawkins

Will I have the Time and Money?

You already have your reasons why you want to improve your life, and now you want  the skills and understanding to start being the real you.
The only two questions you might be asking yourself right now are:

  • “Can I Afford it?”

  • “Do I have the Time?”

I have the answers and solution for you!!

There was a time that I do could not find my purpose in life and I was just a wondering soul doing my best to find the right answers
I tried many different sets of training, mentorships, anything you can think of and nothing was helping. 

Until, one day I cam across this very powerful and openminded program, and I felt that I really have to share this with the rest of the world!
​I can go on about telling you how bad and traumatic my life was to me but this program has helped me so much in clearing my mind of negative thoughts and limiting beliefs that I no longer know that person I used to be. This program really made the biggest difference in my life and it can make a difference in your life too! 

It takes courage and strength to take that first step, take it, what do you have to lose?

I’ve been asked: “Is this only about money, or am I doing this from the heart?
My mission and purpose is: “Educating, Empowering, Transforming and healing the brokenhearted so that people can be equipped to become Successful and Happy in their lives, Careers, Relationships, Family and Finances!”

Normally The Total Investment in Yourself for the 45-minute Self Discovery call would be R750
But For those in life who are eager to start, to encourage this eagerness into action, but for a limited time only receive a 100% discount!!!

Just to be clear on this: When committing to taking action, and take back your life with the 45 minute Self Discovery call you will pay:

P.P.S I do NOT have the Intention to keep this discount forever, so take advantage of this Special Offer while you Still Can.